Hiking and Trekking,  Spain

Relive our Camino de Santiago French Way Trek

We recorded Relive videos on our fall 2023 pilgrimage from St. Jean Pied de Port to Santiago de Compostela. The trek took 38 days (including some rest days); the videos will give you a glimpse of what each day looked like, I’ve also added some thoughts about some of the days: lessons learned and things we’d do differently next time. The distance numbers are what we tracked on All Trails and will include any distance spent being lost and exploring (I sometimes started the Relive videos late so the numbers you see there might be different).

DayFromToDistance (miles/KM)Where we stayedCost per Night (USD in 2023) Relive Video
1St. Jean Pied de PortRoncesevalles16 / 24.1Casa de los Beneficiados$107

This is a tough hike for day one with the hardest part being between St. Jean Pied de Port and Orrison. Next time we’d consider staying at either Orisson or Burda to break this into a two-day hike.
2RoncesvallesZubiri12 / 19.3Pension Zubiaren-etxea$60https://www.relive.cc/view/v36Axn5JjGO
3ZubiriPamplona14 / 22.5Hostal Navarra$109https://www.relive.cc/view/vXvL1nB4Y1O
4Rest day in Pamplona
5PamplonaPuente de la Reina15 / 24.1Hotel Jakue$77
6Puente de la ReinaEstella16 / 25.7B&B Zaldu$64https://www.relive.cc/view/v8qkpxL7E3v

The final walk into Estella seemed to go on forever. Also, this is the day we learned the importance of getting accommodations not too far off the Camino. Once we got to Estrella it was still a long walk (uphill) to our B&B.
7EstellaLos Arcos14 / 22.5Pension los Arcos$60https://www.relive.cc/view/v1vj9XJgWJq
8Los ArcosLogroño17 / 27.4Aniana Alojamiento Boutique$125https://www.relive.cc/view/vRO78owDeK6
9LogroñoNájera17.4 / 28Royalty, vivienda turística$84https://www.relive.cc/view/v1vj9LYGWJq
10NájeraSanto Domingo de la Calzada14.3 / 23Parador de Sto. Domingo Bernardo de Fresneda ♥

Santo Domingo de la Calzada has two Parador hotels with reasonable prices compared to their counterparts in Leon and Santiago. We stayed at the Parador de Sto. Domingo Bernardo de Fresneda, a beautifully restored monestary. The other Parador, Parador de Santo Domingo de la Calzada, is a restored hospital and located in the main plaza. Only the Parador de Santo Domingo de la Calzada has a restaurant but there are plenty of dining options in this lovely town.
11Santo Domingo de la CalzadaBelorado15.2 / 24.5Hotel Jacobeo$88https://www.relive.cc/view/vXOd8LyyR4O
Villafranca Montes de Oca8.4 / 13.5Hotel San Antón Abad ♥$98https://www.relive.cc/view/vYvrVe2z8xv

This was a short day to due being unable to book a private room in San Juan de Ortega. Villafranca Montes de Oca is a charming town and we had a great stay at the Hotel San Anton Abad, but the next day’s walk to Burgos was much too long. We recommend adding another stop before Burgos if you are staying in Villafranca Montes de Oca. If you hear loud voices outside the church in the late afternoon it might be the church members bowling in the parking lot.
13Villafranca Montes de OcaBurgos26.3 / 42.3Palacio de los Blasones Suites$128https://www.relive.cc/view/vMv8gEy8XPq

There are two ways into Burgos – the shorter way takes you through the industrial area and by the airport. We chose the longer route which brings you into town along the river. We regret this decision as the route still takes you buy the airport and we do not know that walking along the river was worth the extra miles.
14Rest day in Burgos (thank goodness!). Don’t miss the Burgos Catherdral and the tomb of El Cid.
15BurgosRabé de las Calzadas9 / 14.5Hostal-Bar Restaurante “La Fuente” ♥$59https://www.relive.cc/view/vXvL1rwmR7O

Our visit to the Ermita de la Virgen del Camino where we each received a blessing and a medal from the nuns was a trip highlight. Rabé de las Calzadas is a lovely town and we recommend staying at Hostal-Bar Restaurante “La Fuente”, a family run hostel with great service and food.
16Rabé de las CalzadasCastrojeriz18 / 29Iacobus$64https://www.relive.cc/view/vJOKZPnVdwv
17CastrojerizFrómista16 / 25.7Hotel Rural Oasibeth$85https://www.relive.cc/view/vmqXwj58wL6

Today’s highlight was hiking up Alto de Mostelare where the Guarda National was set up to stamp pilgrim passports and the Meseta views are spectacular.
18FrómistaCarrión de los Condes13.5 /21.7Hotel Real Monasterio de San Zoilo ♥$98https://www.relive.cc/view/vdvmXPJ24xq

Our stay at the Monasterio de San Zoilo was a real treat: history, comfort, and good food.
19Carrión de los CondesCalzadilla de la Cueza10.3 / 16.6Los Canarios$57https://www.relive.cc/view/vMv8gxAXdNq

There are no services or towns between Carrión de los Condes and Calzadilla de la Cueza but there is often a food truck around the halfway mark. Coffee Bar El Camino was amazing; it felt more like a restaurant than a food truck. We highly recommend stopping if they are out. They have a vending machine if they are closed. There are no restrooms, be prepared for a long walk.
Calzadilla de la Cueza is a very small town with only Albergues (no hostels or hotels).
20Calzadilla de la CuezaSahagún15.4 / 24.8Hostal San Juan$71https://www.relive.cc/view/vMq5eppww8q

Sahagún is the halfway point of the Camino – be sure to walk into town past the Ermita de la Virgen del Puente where you will also pass through the statues marking the geographic center of the Camino. Do not be tempted by the shortcut that bypasses this stop! You can also stop by the Santuario Virgen de la Peregrina for your halway certificate.
21SahagúnReliegos20.2 / 32.5Albergue Vive tu Camino$60https://www.relive.cc/view/vMq5ep22rQq

Don’t miss the Elvis Bar in Reliegos, a fun spot for visiting with other pilgrims.
22ReliegosMansilla Mayor8 / 12.9Guest House Joaco$80https://www.relive.cc/view/vDqgKQw4LVq

Another very short day due to not being able to finding accomodations elsewhere. Mansilla Mayor is 1 KM off the main Camino route. It is a very small town with only one restaurant and no markets. The short day did give us time to explore the museum in Mansilla de las Mulas and learn a bit about Leon, it’s a nicely done museum and worth a visit if you have time.
23Mansilla MayorLeón11.2 / 18Hostal Albany Ancha ♥$91https://www.relive.cc/view/vYvrVx13gxv

We recommend staying at Hostal Albany Ancha – it is very close to the Cathedral yet still quiet. They offer laundry service, it was only 6 euros to wash a fold a bag of laundry. This service is also available at the related Hostal Albany next door. Such a delight.
Note: we reservered a room at Hostal Albany and the Hostel upgraded us to the Ancha property. This price listed is for Hostal Albany.
24Rest day in León

Don’t miss the Cathedral, the lighting from the stained glass is stunning.
25LeónSan Martín del Camino16.3 / 26.2Albergue La Huella$71https://www.relive.cc/view/vmqXwPPj5o6
26San Martín del CaminoAstorga15.2 / 24.5Housingleón – Apartamentos Fauno$76https://www.relive.cc/view/vxOQQWR4Y2O
27AstorgaRabanal del Camino13.8 / 22.2https://www.relive.cc/view/v8qVQy1Wx76
28Rabanal del CaminoPonferrada20.6 / 33.2https://www.relive.cc/view/vMq5e938L8q

The trek up to Mount Irago and then down to Ponferrada was our hardest day on the Camino and we would stage it differently next time. First, we would start for Foncebadón so we don’t have the entire uphill climb in one day. Second, we would end in either El Acebo de San Miguel or Molinaseca – both towns are absolutely charming.
29Rest day in Ponferrada

We would have preferred to swap this rest day with two shorter hiking days. The Castillo de los Templarios (castle of the Knights Templar) is worth a visit if you have time.
30PonferradaVillafranca del Bierzo15.2 / 24.5https://www.relive.cc/view/vYvrVPxRLLv
31Villafranca del BierzoLas Herrerías13.6 / 21.9https://www.relive.cc/view/vMv8gXDnpNq

This stage started with a 6 mile stretch with no services, be prepared! Las Herrerías is a lovely town with a river running where you can cool off your feet after a long day of hiking.
32Las HerreríaTríacastela20.2 / 32.5https://www.relive.cc/view/vZqNLQPRVGO

Another long stage, if we had it to do over again we would break hike this stretch over two days with an overnight in O Cebreiro where you can catch sunrise and sunset from this mountain top town. We also hear the evening Pilgrim Mass at Iglesia de Santa María is very special.
33TríacastelaSarria11.7 / 18.8https://www.relive.cc/view/vXOnx3kPRBq

There are two routes out of Tríacastela to Sarria – one is shorter with more hills the second is longer but flat. We chose the shorter route to save our feet.
The Camino gets busy now; Sarria is the starting point for many as it is the minimum distance required (100 KM) to get your Composetela.
34SarriaPortomarin14.8/ 23.8https://www.relive.cc/view/v1vj9nMXdYq
35PortomarinPalas de Rey16.7 / 26.9https://www.relive.cc/view/vYvrVZjJ1Lv
36Palas de ReyArzúa19.4 / 31.2https://www.relive.cc/view/vdORQJRL1Kv

This stage was a bit too long, we recommend staying in Ribadiso instead.
37ArzúaO Amenal15.5 / 24.9https://www.relive.cc/view/vQvxzGZkNB6

This small hamlet has only two hostels and one restaurant. For a better selection, we recommend ending this stage one town earlier in O Pedrouzo.
38O AmenalSantiago de Compostela13.1 / 21.1https://www.relive.cc/view/v1vj94Y2WYq

Monte de Guzo will be your first opportunity to see the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela. If you want to see the pilgrim statues on Monte de Guzo, take the trail to the left, you should be able to see them off in the distance (they are not on the Camino) – we think it was worth the extra steps.